The first “Big Mountain Enduro” race in Ironton, Missouri.

The team heads out to Ironton, Missouri for the first round of the Big Mountain Enduro series.

This will only be their third National Enduro for the team as they are excited to get more enduro races under their belt while adapting more too the stage racing. 

Wednesday would be a day for travel and flying. The team arrived in the small town of Ironton Wednesday evening and would be staying in a old historical district that had brought rich deposits of iron to the area. 

Thursday would be a day for team set-up and building bikes. Also it would be the first time the team would be able to walk some of the stages too see what they where up against. It would be 5 technical stages that they would have to be consistent on with lots of rock, roots and off camber sections. Also the team would be burning in some new sections of track that have never been ridden. 

Friday and Saturday would be training sessions to get all the tracks dialed and mapped to go racing for Sunday’s finals. Each stage would take a lot of skills to get down the technical lines and memorization of all 5 tracks. Unfortunately the morning of day 1 practice Kailey Skelton would crash and hurt her tailbone. Kailey would be out for the remaining time in Missouri with a pretty severe tailbone bruise. 

Nik & Steven was really enjoying the stages that the Missouri woods was bringing to them. Both days of training would go well for them and little to no bike adjustments where made! Nik stated “It’s really unique terrain out here and some of the section had just been cut in for the race, so it was cool to be riding untouched terrain.”

Nik & Steven where set to go for Sunday finals! 

Sunday morning came quick and the BME series had a lot of professional and amateur racing to accomplish in very limited time. Nik and Steven would start of stage 1 & 2 in the top ten wanting to clean up stages 3 -4 to be able to get in a podium position. Nik would have great stages on 3-4 getting top 5 positions in those individual stages. For Steven he would take a big spill and really take him out of the run for a podium position for finals. Nik would stay consistent through the final stage 5 and he would take home 7th overall for the first National BME round of 2021.

 The team is excited to continue onto round two in Big Sky, Montana at the end of July and keep pushing to get up on the podium! The team will be heading back home for a week break of training and then off to Port Angeles, WA for a North West Downhill cup event! 

Once again we want to continually thank all our fans, sponsors and everyone who makes the team run efficient! 

KHS Bicycles Pro MTB Race Team. Featuring champion mountain bike racers holding the title as the #1 MTB race team in the U.S.A.
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